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    Contact Us

    Fill in the contact form to become a new partner of Eatcard

Visible attention

Menu Screens that fits your style

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Why Eatcard’s Hospitality Platform.


Trees saved Per Year


Trees saved Per Year


Trees saved Per Year

  • QR Table Order

    Unleash your potential with endless growth opportunities.

  • QR Table Order

    Unleash your potential with endless growth opportunities.

  • QR Table Order

    Unleash your potential with endless growth opportunities.

Ask for all the possibilties!

Managing multiple sales channels can be a nightmare, but with Eatcard’s ecosystem it’s a breeze. All
your data is stored in the cloud, accessible from anywhere and beautifully displayed on our
interactive dashboard. Edit your menu items once and they’ll be updated across all sales channels –
it’s that simple.


Veelvoorkomende vragen die we ontvangen als mensen beginnen met EatCard.

  • Ja, met Eatcard kun je zelf instellen hoeveel rondes er gedaan mogen worden, hoeveel er besteld mag worden, hoeveel tijd er tussen moet zitten en ook hoelang de klant mag eten.